April 23, 2024      Introduction
April 30                Lesson 1      Facing Your Giants 
May 7                   Lesson 2      Being A True Friend
May 14                 Lesson 3      Depending on God
May 21                 Lesson 4      Forgiving Others
May 28                 Lesson 5      Being an Unselfish Diplomat
June 4                   Lesson 6      Finding Your Strength in the Lord
June 11                 Lesson 7      Grieving Your Losses
June 18                 OFF
June 25                 OFF
July 2                    Lesson 8      Seeking God in All You Do
July 9                    Lesson 9      Practicing the Presence of God
July 16                  OFF
July 23                  OFF
July 30                  Lesson 10    Keeping Your Commitments
August 6               Lesson 11    Repenting and Staying Humble
August13               Lesson 12    Prioritizing Your Family
August 20             Lesson 13    Changing Your Perspective

Women in the Word
Tuesday Nights 6:30-8:30pm
New Hope Auditorium
All Women Welcome! 
YES! We have free child care!
No Registration needed!
Come fellowship, have fun and dig deep with other women in Gods word.

Becoming A Woman After God’s Own Heart
Life Lessons from David

Acts 13:22 says that God testified concerning David “I have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do.”  Acts 13:36 says that David “served the purpose of God in his own generation.”   Since God had such good things to say about David, his life is well worth studying.

David lived from around 1040 to 970 BC.  He was a humble shepherd whom God elevated to shepherd a nation.  David was 30 years old when he became king and he reigned for 40 years; the first 7 1/2 years in Hebron, and then for 33 years he reigned over all Israel and Judah in Jerusalem.  David’s reign is considered “Israel’s Golden Age”, and biblical writers view him as the greatest of Israel’s kings.  He is the one through whose line the ultimate king, the Messiah, Jesus Christ, eventually came.

David loved and praised God, and wrote many psalms, under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, which are included in the Old Testament.  In his psalms, he records his own weaknesses and struggles, using phrases like “All night long I flood my bed with weeping.”  “My eyes grow weak with sorrow, they fail me because of my foes.”.   “I know my transgressions, and my sin is always before me.” Etc.   He also wrote psalms of praise and thanksgiving to the Lord, using phrases like:  “The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want.”  “The Lord is the stronghold of my life, of whom then shall I be afraid?”  “One thing I ask of the Lord -  that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life.” Etc.

Despite his weaknesses, fears and doubts, David was a man of faith, and tenacious trust in God.  He longed to be in God’s presence and know the Lord better.  Because of his openness to the Lord and his intense desire to know Him, God was able to mold David into a man after his own heart, whom He used mightily, to defeat Israel’s enemies and unify the country. 
David was far from perfect.  He committed some grievous sins, but his life experiences, good and bad, contain many important life lessons for us. 

Sixty-six chapters of the Bible are dedicated to his story – more than to anyone else except Jesus.   The New Testament mentions him fifty-nine times.  God’s own son is called “The Son of David”.  Shepherd, King, Psalmist, Ancestor of Jesus Christ – David’s fascinating life is the topic of our study.  So, open your Bible, and open your heart and allow the Holy Spirit to teach you through David’s life experiences. 

It is my prayer that you will gain wisdom, avoid some of David’s mistakes, and become a woman after God’s own heart, whom God will use to serve His purpose in your generation.

With Aloha
Susie Lam

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