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Women in The Word

Live in person Tuesday Nights

Starting June 6th


New Hope Sand Island

Walking Out Your Faith -Life Lessons from the Book Of Joshua

Introduction to Walking Out Your Faith
Life Lessons from the Book of Joshua

Joshua is a book of hope. It’s a book of second chances. The Israelites had failed to enter the land God had promised to give them. They’d followed Moses to the border of the Promised Land, but then refused to enter. They’d heard there were giants in the land and they were full of fear. Instead of choosing to walk in faith in Almighty God who had miraculously delivered them from slavery in Egypt, they retreated. They were defeated in their minds by an enemy who never mounted a campaign against them and never fired a single shot.

 Because they chose to live in fear instead of faith, God allowed them to wander in the wilderness for 40 years, until that entire faithless generation passed away.  hen God gave the Israelites a second chance.

 Having learned their lesson, the results were different the second time around. Under Joshua’s leadership, with God’s help, they mounted a military campaign against a formidable foe and conquered and possessed the land God had promised to give them.

 Although this page in Israel’s history took place around 1390 BC, the story of Joshua and the Israelites entering and conquering the Promised Land is full of life lessons for us today. It instructs us about God – His purposes, His words, His grace, and how He works in human lives.  It illustrates how God has power over all kinds of circumstances that seem impossible. It challenges us to put our faith into action, to recognize God in our circumstances, and to obey Him and cooperate with Him in bringing His great plans and purposes to fruition.

I pray that this study will cause us to grow in our faith, to trust Him with every fiber of our beings instead of trying to figure everything out for ourselves, and to walk out our faith day by day.

With Aloha,
Susie Lam   

A Bible Study by Susie Lam